The Creation of Adam & Humanism



The Creation of Adam is a painting by Michelangelo, who was one of the most famous Italian Renaissance painters, sculptors, architects, and engineers. This painting shows great humanism and shows us how Michelangelo saw the creation of man.  The Book of Genesis tells us how God created man:

Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

If we play close attention to the detail of Adam, we can see that he possesses a “perfect” body that is proportionate and he looks like a younger version of God, since God wanted man to mirror his image.  Another very important factor of humanism used here, aside from the great attention to the physiological aspect of Adam and God is the expression of Adam.  The expression shown here by Adam shows us a few things, the first is that of innocence since he is yet to commit sins.  The other expression here is how Adam and God acknowledge each other through visual contact and seem to have an unspoken agreement that man will rule the earth.

This Great painting shows the great use of humanism during the Renaissance, and it is my favorite out of all the subjects we have studied this semester.  Please also enjoy this video of the Creation of Adam.




The Sixth Day: Creatures on Land. Genesis 1:27. Web. 6/10/2014

Michelangelo. The Creation of Adam.1541. Sistine Chapel, Rome.“Google Images”. 10 June 2014.

One thought on “The Creation of Adam & Humanism

  1. This painting has so much meaning behind it. I agree with you that this displays humanism very well. I like that you tied the whole thing in with the fact that God made man in his image. This painting shows that; the man and God are mirroring each other which is to show that they are the same. The painting is so beautiful; I love the detail of the man’s body. Thank you for sharing the video. It was neat to see how it was drawn. I am terrible and drawing and painting so I always wonder where did the artist even start when they made this.

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