
Hello, everyone.

My name is Erick Anez, I am a student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) majoring in Emergency Management & Homeland Security.  I reside in sunny Palm Beach Gardens Florida and absolutely love my life here, my wife and I bought our first house a year ago and have made it into a home.  I am originally from Venezuela, I moved to Florida at the age of 7 and have lived in the states ever since.  My wife and I lived in Cleveland Ohio for a bit over a year, in order for me to complete some training for my current job and did not adjust well to the cold weather ( I’m sure my UAF classmates will feel no sympathy for me…..)  I am an operations manager for a financial institution with an emphasis on business continuity, I enjoy my job and hope to establish a consulting firm in the future in order to practice my passion.  My relationship to art has sadly diminished over the years, my mom used to take my brother and I to art museums, and theater plays as kids, but as we got older we do not frequently attend these events as we once did.  I love music, and have been playing guitar for many years now.  I can honestly say that I enjoy every type of music and my ipod is a mixture of genres and artists in the music industry.  I look forward to this course and learning much more about the arts……..

Take a moment to take a look at this video, is a good representation of the music I like to listen to with a Floridian vibe.  Enjoy!!


P.S.  The picture attached was taken in Peru a few years back, I love to travel and would encourage any of you thinking about visiting Machu Pichu to do so.

2 thoughts on “Intro……..HELLO!!!!!

  1. Hi Erick,

    Nice blog. I like the Picture and the Video. Good luck with school this semester

  2. Peru!! I would love to go to Peru. You lucky world traveler, you! I really enjoyed the video you included. “Eleanor Rigby” works perfectly as a reggae tune.

    I think Cleveland cold is way worse than Fairbanks cold. However, it just doesn’t last quite as long

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